Who we are

We are a Communicating Collaborative Community
Edinburgh Neuroscience is a vibrant, interdisciplinary, and deeply collaborative cross-College community at the University of Edinburgh who work together with a shared vision to:
- discover new knowledge of the workings of the brain and mind across the life-course, in health and disease,
- translate this into individual and societal health and wealth gains.
We have over 500 fundamental, clinical and psychology researchers, based in over 200 research groups within a range of centres that work closely together, with clinical work being integrated across all areas. Edinburgh Neuroscience is widely recognised for its extensive integration of outstanding clinical, biomedical, informatics and psychology research.
In the Research Excellence Framework 2021, Edinburgh Neuroscience was rated rated 2nd in the UK (according to Times Higher Education) for for the quality of our research in Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience, its societal impact and the quality of our research environment. We work hard to provide a dynamic, supportive and creative environment for our researchers and this is reflected in a maximum 100% 4* (world-leading) score for our research environment and impact.
Edinburgh Neuroscience Board
We are supported by the members of the Edinburgh Neuroscience Board:
- Cathy Abbott, Co-Director, Professor of Mammalian Molecular Genetics, Institute of Genetics and Cancer
- Malcolm Macleod, Co-Director, Professor of Neurology and Translational Neuroscience, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
- Peter Kind, Professor of Developmental Neuroscience, Director, Patrick Wild Centre; Director, Simons Initiative for the Developing Brain
- Stephen Lawrie, Professor of Psychiatry and Neuro-Imaging, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
- Andrew McIntosh, Professor of Biological Psychiatry, Head Psychiatry, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
- Sharon Abraham, Professor of Neuropsychology, Psychology
- Martin Pickering, Professor of Psychology of Language and Communication, Psychology
- Matthias Schwannauer, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Head of School of Health and Social Sciences; Clinical Psychology
- Aziz Sheikh, Professor of Primary Care Research and Development, Director, Usher Institute
- Tara Spires-Jones, Professor of Neurodegeneration, Deputy Co-Director, Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences; Dementia Research Institute at Edinburgh
- Joanna Wardlaw, Professor of Applied Neuroimaging, Director, Edinburgh Imaging; Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences; Dementia Research Institute at Edinburgh
- David Wyllie Professor of Ion Channel Physiology & Pharmacology, Director, Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences
The Edinburgh Neuroscience Scientific Strategy Coordinator is Dr Marja Main.