What we do

Our animal brain outreach activity includes dinosaurs!
Edinburgh Neuroscience creates a dynamic and collegiate research environment by supporting our researchers and students via a range of activites:
- Providing an efficient communication hub and central point of contact (website, weekly email digests, social media)
- Organising whole community, as well as cross-discipline themed, meetings and networking opportunities (e.g. Neuroscience Day)
- Running cross-discipline training opportunities for PhD students (e.g. Autumn School for PhD Students)
- Coordinating an extensive outreach programme for schools and the public
- Working with academics to submit strategic grants
- Coordinating the Wellcome Trust PhD Programme in Translational Neuroscience
- Administer funding schemes to support our students, early years and established researchers (e.g. Neuroresearchers Fund, RS MacDonald Seedcorn Fund)
Simply being there for our research community to help them conceptualise, develop, and fulfil their ideas.
Edinburgh Neuroscience Board Remit
We are suported by the members of the Edinburgh Neuroscience Board, whose remit is to:
Internal Purpose
Organise activities that provide networking opportunities for the neuroscience community in order to foster the creation of new collaborations (e.g. Annual Neuroscience Day)
Identify and support areas for strategic growth e.g. via small themed meetings
Facilitate neuroscience mentoring and training
External Purpose
To deliver a strong, easily recognisable focus for neuroscience research at Edinburgh.
To provide a one-stop-shop for information about neuroscience research, training and studying opportunities in Edinburgh
To present a coherent, coordinated and united community for funders and other bodies.
To provide opportunities for the local community to engage with our researchers